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Why learn to Salsa Dance? It's fun, social, and a passion that will last you a lifetime! The benefits to health, fitness, coordination, and lifestyle will be far beyond what you can imagine now! Anyone can, and should, learn to Salsa Dance. Give it a try, with the finest beginners dance DVD on the market. It's finally here - your definitive guide to learn to salsa dance. Don't miss this fantastic DVD that really walks you, step-by-step, through all the fundamentals of Salsa Dancing in a fun, social and energetic way.
Volume 1 is the beginners handbook. Learn to move in minutes and be out on the floor in record time. A video for anyone & everyone! We cover every aspects of what Salsa is all about. Includes a couple of great moves and ladies styling tips that will get you noticed. A full 2 hours of stellar dance instruction you can use tonight!
WHAT IS ON THE VIDEO: Join SalsaCrazy as we help you to understand the important basic concepts that will enable you to understand what you are doing and when to do it. If you've been wanting to learn, but thought that it would be too complicated - have no fear - this method is fast and best of all EASY! NOTE: This is not a DVD designed to teach pattern after pattern. This is a foundation video that covers the fundamentals of salsa. You'll Start with the basic concepts revealed and explained. You will understand the simple concepts of timing and footwork - today! Get into the basic step and learn a few fun salsa patterns. Learn what to do, and what will look good out in the real world. DVD menus let you go back and review!
LADIES WILL LEARN: How to follow, basic turns and dance frame, and of course, styling and how to create the cuban motion - or those sexy salsa hips you've always wanted. Step by step instruction on how to get the movement going - use it in your basic from the start. In addition, an interview on Salsa History, and Dance Club etiquette is also covered.
About the Actor
SalsaCrazy.com is one of the world's premier salsa dancing websites. Founded in 1996, SalsaCrazy.com was born of a passion to dance, and a desire to show others how fantastic salsa dancing can be. As our first instructor told us, "It will change your life". Give salsa dancing a try, and you'll find a vibrant world of fantastic people, exciting nightlife, and perhaps a side of yourself you've always wanted to free. We've created a high quality DVD to showcase how easy and fun salsa dancing can be! It's a dance that can be enjoyed by everyone, with fantastic music, a rich history, and an unbeatable, intoxicating, rhythm.
Never danced? No problem! Join us on the dance floor with this fantastic 2 hour salsa dance DVD. The instruction is clear & concise. The productions values are stellar, and the quality is amazing. Yes, you will be salsa dancing, with your partners, by the end of this video! It's a step-by-step approach, tailored and refined by teaching thousands upon thousands of students how to dance salsa. This video covers the very basic steps, the foundation of leading and following, and a couple of nice salsa patterns. This stellar 2 hour DVD provides everything you need to know to get yourself dancing! Purchase it today, and be dancing tomorrow.
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