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Have you made it through SalsaCrazy.com's entire 3 Volume Beginner DVD set? You can get them right here on LearntoSalsaDance.com! If so, perhaps you're ready for SalsaCrazy's intermediate series? It's time, join us in our 2 volume Intermediate Series, as we show you dozens of fantastic salsa patterns, that are both fun, leadable, and hot. Yes, you too can take your dancing up a level with these DVD's!
Salsa Dance is fun, social, and a passion that will last you a lifetime! The benefits to health, fitness, coordination, and lifestyle will be far beyond what you can imagine now! Anyone can, and should, learn to Salsa Dance. Give it a try, with the finest Intermediate dance DVDs on the market (also give our 3 volume Beginner DVD set a try, available on LearntoSalsaDance.com). It's finally here - your definitive guide to intermediate salsa dance. Don't miss these fantastic DVDs that really walk you, step-by-step, through all the fundamentals of intermediate Salsa Dancing in a fun, social and energetic way.
Not an intermediate or advanced salsa dancer (yet)? No problem! Join us on the dance floor with this fantastic 2 volume intermedaite salsa dance DVD. The instruction is clear & concise. The productions values are stellar, and the quality is amazing. Yes, you will be salsa dancing at an intermediate level, with your partners, by the end of this video! It's a step-by-step approach, tailored and refined by teaching thousands upon thousands of students how to dance salsa. Purchase it today, and be... read more
Ready for some intermediate Salsa Dancing? Join us on the dance floor with this fantastic 2 volume Intermediate Salsa Dance Series (there's a Volume 1 and a Volume 2, in our Intermediate Series). Each DVD is packed with great salsa dance patterns, and instruction that is clear & concise. It's a fun and social DVD that will take your dancing to the next level, and there's simply nothign else like it!
The productions values are stellar, and the quality is amazing. Yes, you will be salsa dancing at an intermediate level, with your partners, by the end of this video! It's a step-by-step approach, tailored and refined by teaching thousands upon thousands of students how to dance salsa. This video covers the foundational intermediate patterns, intermediate leading and following, and lots of tips and practice. This stellar 1.5 hour DVD provides everything you need to know to get yourself dancing! Purchase it today, and be dancing tomorrow.
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