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Hello and Welcome to LearntoSalsaDance.com:
Here is where you'll find all of our contact information, plus a little bit of background on our company SalsaCrazy.com.
SalsaCrazy.com is one of the world's premier salsa dancing websites. Founded in 1996, SalsaCrazy.com was born of a passion to dance, and a desire to show others how fantastic salsa dancing can be. As our first instructor told us, "It will change your life". Give salsa dancing a try, and you'll find a vibrant world of fantastic people, exciting nightlife, and perhaps a side of yourself you've always wanted to free. We've created a high quality DVD to showcase how easy and fun salsa dancing can be! It's a dance that can be enjoyed by everyone, with fantastic music, a rich history, and an unbeatable, intoxicating, rhythm.
3701 Sacramento Street, #416 San Francisco, CA 94118 415-668-9936 info@learntosalsadance.com